Homily for the Episcopal Ordination Mass for Bishop Katsuya of Sapporo
14 October, 2013
Bp. Isao Kikuchi, SVD
"For my power is greatest when you are weak," "Virtus in infirmitate perficitur"
The power of God can not work when we, human beings, forgot that our wisdom and knowledge has certain limit and try to find our own solutions. The gospel will not be proclaimed when we forgot to talk about God and tell the stories of our own. We have to admit our limitations. We have to admit in humility that human wisdom and knowledge has clear limitations. With this humility, as we stand humbly in front of the mighty power of God, then finally the power of God may be able to work freely and the will of God be accomplished. Gospel proclaimed. Knowing all these and hoping the will of God alone be accomplished, Bishop Katsuya chose this motto to devote his entire life as a successor of apostles.
Dear brothers and sisters of Sapporo diocese. Congratulations. Now you
have your pastor. It has been almost 4 years since the resignation of Bishop
Jinushi had been accepted in November, 2009. I am sure from today on, Bishop
Jinushi is able to feel the real relief of retirement. Of course, the Church
never left the people of God in Sapporo and have been appointed myself
as an apostolic administrator. However, as I have to take care of my own
Niigata diocese, though it is a small one, I could not always walk along
with you. Probably among members of this diocese, there would be some who
never saw my face. Thank you so much for your patience and prayer. From
today on, Bishop Katsuya will be with all of you as your pastor.
Sapporo diocese faces full of challenges as other dioceses in Japan such
as aging of majority of members, declining number of youths and very few
response to the vocation, especially for the priesthood. However, I witnessed
strong and active participation of laity, religious and priests in this
diocese to contribute to face these challenges. Probably many of you think
that I made several merciless appointments in this diocese such as appointing
a priest to two or three parishes as a sole pastor. I do agree. Decisions
to make such appointments were not mine alone but results of active participation
of diocesan priests to consider future of the diocese and take active part
in the evangelization in Hokkaido. Bishop Katsuya was always played leading
role in such decision makings.
Past 4 years, we hold regular meetings of members of the former priests' senate, and organized two sessions of preparatory commission for future diocesan pastoral council. I am sure that you will make great steps forward once the pastoral council would be established because I am the witness of active participation of laity in this preparatory commission. Bishop Katsuya has been in the center of these strong movement to set future pastoral direction of the diocese. He knows challenges and the plausible way to find solutions.
It was during the Mass of thanksgiving after one year of my presence in
Sapporo as the administrator, someone prayed during the general intercession
that I should be transferred from Niigata to Sapporo. It was my first time
to pray God that the prayer should not be heard. Well, after all, it is
better to have a bishop from this diocese since he knows the situation
and challenges of the area. But as you know, Bishop Katsuya does not have
enough diocesan priests to work with. Concerning number of priests working
in parishes, making him as the bishop of this diocese means less number
of active parish priests, say, minus one in number. Yes, Sapporo diocese
has three seminarians but it may take at least 7 years for a seminarian
to be ordained. Considering all these situation in this diocese, I would
like to make urgent appeal to all of you gathered here today and through
you to all the members of the diocese that please walk along with Bishop
Katsuya. Try to face the challenges of evangelization with Bishop Katsuya.
Together with Bishop, try to create strong parish communities. Evangelization
is not duty only for priests and religious but the one for all of us.
Since his election in March this year, Pope Francis made several comments
of his own view on the qualities and requirements for Bishops. In June
this year, Holy Father spoke to Nuncios as follows: "For episcopal
appointments, be careful that the candidates are pastors close to the people,
fathers and brothers, that they are gentle, patient and merciful; animated
by inner poverty, the freedom of the Lord and also by outward simplicity
and austerity of life, that they do not have the psychology of "Princes."
Then during the seminar for new bishops organized by the congregation for Bishops this year, Holy Father made following three points to new bishops. "To welcome with magnanimity. To walk with the flock. Then presence in the diocese."
Especially for the third point, Holy Father said that bishops should "avoid the scandal of being airport Bishopsh Then Holy Father called the new bishops that they should be "welcoming Pastors, journeying with your people, with affection, with mercy, with gentleness in your dealing with them and with paternal firmness, with humility and discretion, capable also of seeing your limitations and having a dosage of good humor."
My dear brothers and sisters of Sapporo Diocese, who would be your pastor
welcoming you with magnanimity, walking with the flock and present in the
diocese? Bishop Katsuya must be the one. Who in this diocese would be the
"welcoming Pastor" who journeys with you, with affection, with
mercy, with gentleness in dealing with you and with paternal firmness,
with humility and discretion? Bishop Katsuya must be the one. You know
it well much more than myself through your own experinece with him.
Finally, Bishop is also capable to see his limitations. Why? Because we know that very well from his motto;
"For my power is greatest when you are weak," "Virtus in infirmitate perficitur"