My dear sisters and brothers in Christ.
We gather together in a church on Sundays in the name of our Lord to pray and attend Mass as a community. Our church is not only for Sundays but many other activities are going on during week days. Our faith in Jesus Christ is based in a community and we do not live alone as a Christian. So community is the must for the Church.
Well, it could be said that the faith is a private matter as each one of
us have to make our own decision to follow Jesus. However. Pope Francis
in Evangelii Gaudium said this.
"God has chosen to call them together as a people and not as isolated individuals. No one is saved by himself or herself, individually, or by his or her own efforts."
We do make our own decision to follow Jesus but we do not live in this faith alone. We live in our faith together with Church community. We are called by God to be a part of one united People of God. Our Church cannot survive without community.
Our Church community is not only for gathering people but, at the same
time, it has much more important function to offer.
In the first reading today, we read that "when Pentecost day came round, the apostles had all met in one room." Maybe the apostle are still afraid to go out to people, afraid of persecution and are still in shock of loss of their master. Then suddenly Holy Spirit came upon them and they started to speak in many languages.
If we could speak in many languages, then that would be very nice. But that is not the most important fact of the Pentecost. There is something more than that.
One of the most important function of Church community is to fill people with spiritual blessings and send them out to proclaim the Gospel. The Church community is not only for gathering people but also for sending people out.
At the end of Mass, priest usually say that "Mass is ended, go in peace." He is not saying just good-bye to everyone but he is sending you out to proclaim Gospel message.
In the first reading, those who heard apostles speaking in many languages
said "we hear them preaching in our own language about the marvels
of God." Important point is that what we proclaim should be understood
by others. It is not the matter of fluency in certain languages. We have
to proclaim Gospel in a way that would be understandable by others. So
what we should be doing?
We have to be witness of Gospel message of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds. If we create good relationships with our neighbors in local community, that would be the first step of evangelization. In our relationship with our neighbors, if we try to be kind and show our thoughtfulness, then that would be the first step of evangelization.
Of course we are not perfect being. We need help. Gospel today said that
"if anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love
him, and we shall come to him and make our home with him."
Even we are not perfect, as we try to believe in the word of Jesus Christ, he and the Father would be with us always. Holy Spirit will be our guide to proclaim gospel and we have this community to support each other.
Having trust in the guidance and protection by Holy Spirit, today again, let us be sent out as missionaries of Gospel in this modern world.